Wednesday, December 12, 2012

4th Grade Nature Abstractions

4th grade has been studying American Abstract Painter Georgia O'keefe.

Students brought in nature photos from the internet, books, magazines, calendars, and even ones they took themselves.

Students learned how to abstract their images by doing things like…
Zooming in
Exaggerating features
& changing the colors

They learned 4 new painting techniques to complete their 20”x 20” paintings.

S- Study and investigation of things in nature (ex. Veins on leaves, parts of the flower)
T- Searching Internet and taking photographs
E- Learning to enlarge from a grid
A- artist study, painting techniques, creativity, and color choices
M-counting, measuring, and problem solving

Finished Student Paintings

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE your paper towel machine monster. It made me smile! And your paintings are BEAUTIFUL also. thank you for sharing.
