Thursday, February 28, 2013

Piet Mondrian with 2nd Grade

I always love to see all the was that art teachers are teaching their students about the life and work of Dutch Painter, Piet Mondrian. 

Broadway Boogie Woogie, 1942-43 

This is my 4th year teaching Mondrian to my 2nd Graders and Every year I have done it differently. 

Here is what I did this year...

We, of course, learned about HORIZONTAL, VERTICAL, AND DIAGONAL LINES.

Students used a ruler to create 3 mini artworks. 

Work 1 used only Horizontal and Vertical lines. 

Work 2 used only diagonal lines

Work 3 used ALL 3. 

After drawing their 3 mini works, students traced their designs in Sharpie.

Students practiced using their design eye to decide which spaces to fill in with 
Primary color marker and which spaces to leave blank.

Next students experimented with Painters, paint pen markers from Elmer's, 
to make their works uniquely their own. 

Each student was then given a thin black strip to decide how to mount their 3 finished designs. 

I love how they came out!

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