Sunday, September 8, 2013


What's a Liebster Award?....................................................................................................
I had no Idea, when i was nominated by Laura Kim at Art in the Big Green RoomThanks for the nomination Laura! I am so excited to be apart of this wonderful celebration of new bloggers! As an Art Educator, I find the real world experience and familiar quality present in blogs far more compelling than educational journals! It's so fun to be a part of this community of good sharers! 
Questions from Laura Kim: ...................................................................................

1. What is your favorite food?
Pop Secret Extra Butter!

2.  What do you collect?
I'm not much of a collector but if clothing counts, my wardrobe is my favorite collection.

3.  What did you want to be when you were little?
An Art Teacher :)

4.  What is your biggest pet-peeve?
It's a true toss up between Socks and Sandals and the use of the phrase "I can't even draw a stick figure"

5.  What is something you've always wanted to learn?
How to build a firearm and engrave it.

6.  What is your favorite movie?
Mary Poppins

7.  What would be your ideal Saturday night?
Making S'mores around a camp fire, with friends on Shelly Island 

8.  Are you a dog or cat person?
(can only be accurately expressed with a picture of my furry kids, Troeg and Olive)

9.  Where is your favorite place to visit?
The Outer Banks 

10. If you could be someone else for a day, who would it be? 
Rachel Zoe 

11. What is your favorite creative activity?
Painting Island Signs

My 11 random facts:

I was banned from using scissors in 4th grade (too many paper scraps falling out of my desk)
I would rather run than walk.
I really struggle to answer when people ask me what my favorite color is.
I buy things for the containers.
I like to learn new things.
6 I am serious about sunscreen. 
I like when I get to work on a roof with my dad.
I could (and have) spend hours organizing my supply closet.
I am obsessed with tights!
10 My puppy proofing routine involves putting my coffee table on my couch and a kitchen chair on my love seat
11 I could not be happier that crew neck sweat shirts are finally back "in style".  I am buying up as many as I can!  
Here are my Nominees:

Snippety Gibbet from Art Sub Lessons 

Mrs. Impey from Art Room 104

Ms. Gram from Art with Ms. Gram

Nominees, here is what you need to do 
to accept this award:  ....................................................

1. Link back to the blog that nominated you. 
2. Answer the questions posted for you by your nominator. 
3. Share 11 random facts about yourself.
4. Create 11 questions for your nominees.
5. Nominate 5-11 blogs with fewer than 200 followers. 
6. Contact your nominees and let them know that you have nominated them

Questions for my nominees: .................................................................................
1.  What would you do with more free time?

2.  Appetizer or Dessert?
3.  What is something you have been good at since you were little?
4.  What is something you always keep with you?
5.  What is your favorite App?
6.  If you could own any famous art work for your home what would it be?
7.  Something you swore you would never do or vow to never do as a parent?
8.  In what reality TV show would you like to be a star?
9.  What candy bar is it most difficult to pass up at the checkout line?
10. Next time you are free to get crafty, what do you want to make? 
11. Why did you decide to start a blog?


  1. How fun! I loved reading your answers, Michele! And if you makes you feel any better, I had no clue what a Liebster Award was either!!

  2. Thanks so much for the nomination!
    I am also thankful because it helped me find your blog!

  3. Congrats on the Liebster!! :D

    I just found your blog and am now following! :D
