Monday, November 11, 2013

Why 3rd Grade Loves America

To honor those who have served our country, this Veterans Day, 3rd grade made these symmetry jewels inspired by things they love about the USA!

We started our class discussion by talking about these questions...
What is a Veteran?
What do you think it is like to serve your country and be away from home?
What are some things you would miss about home?
What do you love about America?

This list is a collaboration of thoughts from all three of my 3rd grade classes. 

After making our list, students learned about symmetry and used a ruler to draw their jewel.

After tracing their jewel, students came up with symbols to represent things that they love about America.

I gave my students the choice of crayons, colored pencil, and/or marker to finish their artwork.


I think they turned out great! I am very proud of them. 

The artworks were displayed for our Veterans Day Assembly and were accompanied by writing pieces based on the same theme, "Why I Love America", that students worked on with their classroom teachers.

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