Thursday, August 7, 2014


Olive Art's Picture Book Parade introduces... Journey                         17                                                              

2013 Written & Illustrated by: Aaron Becker

All you have to read are the images in this spectacular book. That's right it's wordless! It is amazing how the details of the picture tell it all. The story is about a little girl who feels completely alone. Bored she draws a door and escapes to a new world where she draws her way to new sight. She eventually looses he crayon and ends up trapped in a cage, but that's all I'll say. I think you'll have to pick this one up if you want to know what happen next.

I love the idea of a completely wordless book. It really allows the imagination to take over and forces a sense of wonder that forces you to turn the page.

Telling stories without words is something we do in art class all the time. It might be a neat challenge to have students trade artworks and write a short story to go with the artists work. I would love to see how the works and stories compare and where the writer took complete creative license to run with their freedom.

*The Picture Book Parade!

This series of posts is designed to meet the needs of graduate class, I am currently enrolled in, titled Teaching Art & Literacy through picture books.
One of my assignments is to read, review, reflect, and be inspired by 20 picture books that are new to me and find a way to share them with my classmates, colleges, & PLN. 

 The Ideas shared will not be ideas I have tried and executed, simply sparks of inspiration derived from a short and colorful read. 

I am hoping that these ideas might develop over time, as I water them in my minds and let what's left of my summer vacation shine and pull out the greatness, that is a totally awesome new lesson for my students. One can hope!

So sit back and enjoy the series of posts I am calling the Picture Book Parade!

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