Friday, August 8, 2014

At the Beach

Olive Art's Picture Book Parade introduces...  At the Beach                    19                                 

1987 By: Anne & Harlow Rockwell

This cute story takes you through a little girls day at the beach. It's a simple book but for anyone who has been to the beach, it's more. From the sandwiches wrapped in foil, to the familiar tote bag, to the big rocks covered in barnacles, there is bound to be something to trigger your beach memories.

I like this book for just that reason. This would be a great book to prompt a journal entry or free write for back to school. Along with other books about summer, it would be neat to pass them out and have students write connections, memories, funny stories, or whatever they think of when they read.

I really like the part that says "Everyone is building something in the sand at the beach". Recently I have been a little obsessed with this kinetic sand popping up in craft stores. How great would it be to make it (if possible) and make sand sculptures. It seems to me that the beach is a place where people can't help but get creative. Weather it's building a castle, lining up  shells, or just drawing with your toes in the sand, our inner creative being is exposed and open to the beauty of the natural world.

*The Picture Book Parade!

This series of posts is designed to meet the needs of graduate class, I am currently enrolled in, titled Teaching Art & Literacy through picture books.
One of my assignments is to read, review, reflect, and be inspired by 20 picture books that are new to me and find a way to share them with my classmates, colleges, & PLN. 

 The Ideas shared will not be ideas I have tried and executed, simply sparks of inspiration derived from a short and colorful read. 

I am hoping that these ideas might develop over time, as I water them in my minds and let what's left of my summer vacation shine and pull out the greatness, that is a totally awesome new lesson for my students. One can hope!

So sit back and enjoy the series of posts I am calling the Picture Book Parade!

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