Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Precautions for Posting

So far I have posted solely on the benefits of social media. It can be a collaborative tool and resource for professional developments, a source of inspiration and information, a means of sharing progress as well as product, a way to celebrate student success and communicate with parents, and a means of advocacy. While these examples just begin to tap the surface of the positive experiences possible, for the art classroom/teacher, through social media, we have to keep in mind that all posting should be done using caution and good judgement.

I love this poster (and all the others on her blog) by Shannon from Technology Totally Rocks as it can server as a great reminder to both students and adults alike about the importance of posting with care.

Before starting classroom social media sites be sure to talk about it with your principal and/or other administration. If they are not on board, it will be hard for it to succeed and be viewed as a valuable tool. If your district is still fighting against social media in schools, don't get down! GET CONNECTED!!!

Make a personal account for professional development and stockpile examples of how others are successfully and safely incorporating social media and take it to your administration to have an educated and professional conversation on the topic.

Many schools have photo permission and other release forms that go home at the beginning of the school year.  Check it out, and make sure you know who you are aloud to take pictures of and where you are allowed to post them. Keep a list of students who are not to have photos taken somewhere easily accessible. Mine is right next to my computer.

I love Instagram because my students and their families can follow our art classroom and I don't need to follow them back. My focus is to keep the art conversation going at home and build excitement about art in our school and community. My goal is not to better get to know my students. Yes, I want to get to know them but social media is not the place. Applauding a students good work or answering a question about a sketchbook assignment is different than asking a kid about their soccer game. If you want to know about the game ask at school, not on social media.

Sadly everyone likes a social media slip up.  Take every precaution to remain professional. When we choose to be educators we choose to be role models, I want to make sure I'm one worth looking up to.

Follow me on Twitter @MComp_OliveART and Instagram @GWDES_Arts
Original Post April 29, 2015 
To See the original blog post on Art Classroom Experience to Like, Comment, and Share Click Here

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