Thursday, May 21, 2015

Blog Update

What a busy year. I make no apologies about my little hiatus from posting here on Olive Art. While the posting halted the art room thrived. We have had such an exciting and busy year in the Art at Greenwood Elementary. With only a few weeks of school left for the year, I can't wait to share some of the things we've been up to. If you want to see more of what we've been doing, before I post it here check out our classroom Instagram @GWDES_Arts and follow me on Twitter @MComp_OliveART.


In addition to the fun things happening around the art room, I am excited to share, that I finished the Masters of Art Education program at Kutztown University. 
As part of this program I started a new blog 

While this made it easy to have my collection of work in one place. I now have 3 different blogs... I would really like to continue all this posting in one place. That's why I will be copying the posts from An Art Classroom Experience to Like, Comment, and Share
& Art Criticism in a Pinch to Olive Art, Do You??? 

For now these posts will be able to be found under labels titled "An Art Classroom Experience to Like, Comment, and Share" & "Art Criticism in a Pinch"

I plan to continue adding to both labels and growing the resources available.

It is my hope that Olive Art will continue to be a great resource for art educators looking for project and art criticism ideas, ways to make community connections, and encouraging of the use of social media for sharing you classroom.

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